Meghan May Return In Suits As She Was Reportedly Offered Multi-Million Dollar Deal
Reports claim NBC Universal is planning a cameo role of less than two minutes. TV bosses reportedly want Meghan to make a one final short appearance as Rachel Zane in Suits.
If Meghan says yes, sources claim NBC Universal will pay a multi-million dollar donation to a charity of her choice.
The Mirror reports that NBC Universal is planning a role of two minutes or less, which might be filmed in the UK.

“We could be done in half a day or less,” a senior production source told the newspaper.
“No final figure has yet been arrived at but negotiations are likely to be opened in the very near future. I’ve heard sums ranging from two to six million being kicked around and that sounds a lot – but it would be one of the biggest marketing coups in TV history.”
Ever since the Royal Wedding syndication deals for all seven seasons of the series in which she starred have been struck with TV stations in many countries.
Suits has made a fortune with Meghan merchandise, especially mugs and T-shirts bearing an image of her character.
In that last episode of Suits, Rachel married law firm partner Mike Ross, played by Patrick J. Adams, who left the show at the same time.
“We could create a storyline where Rachel and Mike have created new lives for themselves and are starting a family, with Rachel showing an obvious baby bump,” the source added.

“I believe we could get away with only one or two lines from Rachel, perhaps saying how she would never have believed she would have such a wonderful life. This particular route would beautifully mirror real life.
“It would give one or several charities a big boost, portray Meghan as a thoroughly modern royal… and give us one of the biggest ratings blockbusters of our existence.”
A former Suits colleague of Meghan’s told The Mirror: “This is all supposed to be hush, hush but it’s a bit of an open secret that they’d do anything to get her and Patrick back as guest stars. I think the fans would love to see Rachel and Mike – even fleetingly – in their new life together as husband and wife.”